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7 reasons why Akhnaton school is the right International schools in New Cairo for your child

January 27, 2022

7 reasons why Akhnaton school is the right International schools in New Cairo for your child

In this day and age, choosing the right school for your child is more important than choosing the best, most renowned school. You know as a parent the role schools and education play in your child’s future. When you think about what school to choose, you think about who you want your child to be and how you want him to achieve that growth. You also think about the future opportunities you want your child to have access to. Schools and educators are your partners on this journey, and you should have aligned goals with each other to achieve both of your desired results. 
In this article, we give you 7 reasons why Akhnaton school is the right International schools in New Cairo for you and your child:

1. Diverse educational systems: 

Here at Akhnaton Schools one of the best International schools in New Cairo, we have two running educational systems: American and National systems; both run across elementary, preparatory, and high school. 
We understand the demanding nature of each educational phase, and that’s why our teachers implement modern teaching techniques that are flexible to help each student grasp the core information and morph it into knowledge that he/she can later build on and use. 
At Akhnaton, we help every individual find their values and choose a direction in life that complements their strengths and inspires a lifelong learning journey that goes beyond the classroom. 
For us, it’s not just about teaching the rigorous program of core competencies; math, science, reading, writing, history, and languages. It’s about combining it with our robust program of electives in arts, sports, and community engagement, thus creating a whole experience that nurtures the intellectual, creative, and physical development of your child. 

2. A Safe educational environment 

International schools in New Cairo is always supposed to be your child’s second home. We can’t possibly expect your child to grow and excel without offering the proper environment for that. 
We do this by creating an environment that fosters individual talents, combines diversity with compassion, and awakens students’ curiosity for learning; to establish their critical thinking skills needed to excel in an increasingly evolving world. 
Learning and development only occur when there’s a safe environment created to accept your child’s true self; by allowing your child to be open to his/her surroundings he/she will gradually learn and grasp way more than just the subjects, they will begin to grasp ethics, discover who they are, build self-confidence, unlock their potential and enhance their weaknesses all on their own. 

3. Certified educational institute 

We believe that the right international schools are the one that opens up opportunities for your child beyond its phase in his/her life and sets them up for success in an ever-changing world. 
Akhnaton School is an accredited member of COGNIA, an elite designation recognized in 85 countries worldwide by over 36,000 institutions and 25 million students. COGNIA has celebrated over 125 years of excellence, serving educational institutions since 1895. Their organization is known for its global perspective and insightful development programs, which it implements across every institution it proudly certifies by its name and seal.
This accreditation gives your child the opportunity to pursue education worldwide as his degree is accredited and acknowledged in 85 countries and over 36,000 institutions. 

4. Unique teaching pillars and values

We have 10 educational pillars and 5 core values:

  1. Turn information into knowledge: we help turn static information into knowledge by showing real examples and uses.

  2. Attention: teaching students which information to focus on by separating the center from the peripheral information

  3. Creating an active learning environment: teachers use interactive teaching techniques and employ supplementing technologies.

  4. Enhance motivation to learn: teachers use different creative methods to motivate and encourage students to learn.

  5. Encourage peer-to-peer and teacher-to-student communication: allowing teachers to help students with tasks and allowing students to help each other through difficult times and assignments.

  6. Teach productive self-management skills: we teach our students how to manage their time and effectively use their strengths.

  7. High standards: our teachers hold high expectations for our students to motivate them to improve their performance.

  8. Applying knowledge in the students' lives: we teach our students how using their knowledge can help them lead a successful life.

  9. Self-improvement: we challenge our students both intellectually and emotionally to stimulate their growth and self-development

  10. Provide Timely Feedback: teachers provide the students with timely feedback to help them stay on track and avoid errors. 

Now, let’s move on to our values: 

  1. Passion: we teach our students to love learning, thus, ensuring that they pursue education beyond the classroom.

  2. Individual expression: we encourage our students to be individual thinkers driven by their values and passions

  3. Confidence: create a safe environment for our students to express themselves and grow their confidence 

  4. Resilience: we teach our students how to be flexible, resilient, and to persevere in front of adversity. 

  5. Empathy: We nurture our students to become global citizens, aware of their world, and contribute towards enhancing it.  

5. Extracurricular Activities

Aside from teaching our core curriculum, we have 4 different extracurricular activities where students can participate and develop their creative and physical skills. 

  1. Athletics: The primary purpose of sports is to instill teamwork, collaboration, and diligence, in addition to increasing the students' health and happiness. 

  2. At Akhnaton, the athletic programs and teams are available at all academic levels and degrees of experience.

  3. We offer sports on our campuses ranging from competitive running, swimming, and dodgeball, to basketball, football, handball, volleyball, and gymnastics, with friendly tournaments and competitive opportunities available. 

  4. Arts: We believe in providing a broad array of art accessible to encourage our students to be comfortable with their creative sides. Arts electives supplement each educational stage, encompassing a wide range of; media and methods designed to promote the creative spirit at every age.

  5. Specific programs include an expansive clay sculpting and a crafting studio, a theatre program, a visual arts program, and an elective series in other forms of performance art, including persuasive argument debate.

  6. Clubs and Activities 

Clubs and activities allow students to find their tribe, as an active sense of belonging is paramount to the psychological safety required for a developing mind to flourish. 
Sports: From club sports to friendly games, there is something available for each student.
Communities: Students are encouraged to become responsible stewards of their communities through civic outreach and seminars.
Skills: Students are empowered to hone their skills with clubs; that bring forth their natural talents and sharpen their abilities while having fun.

6. Principle and Teachers relations 

The principal and the teachers are highly qualified and involved in your child’s educational experience. You, the teachers, and the principal together form one team with one goal: to provide the best educational experience for your child. 
Our teachers share the international schools values and implement modern teaching and communication techniques. They also have experience with teaching students with various learning challenges, and they adapt their teaching methods accordingly to ensure that every student has understood the information and can process and build on it. 

7. Fees and Admission

We believe that receiving education should be affordable for everyone. That is why at Akhnaton school, we strive to offer high-standard education at an affordable price to give you -the parent- an opportunity to admit your child to a top-rated school without breaking the bank. 

Speaking of Admission, we have one of the smoothest admission processes, and we take extra care to assist you during the process.

We also organize weekly school tours for you to know more about our facilities and layout. 

We encourage you to start the admission process by visiting our admissions page.

With over 2000 students on a 20Km^2 of campus area, with 15 years of experience as an educational institution located in the heart of New Cairo City, we believe that you will be making the right choice by choosing to admit your child to our school.

We are looking forward to partnering with you and taking your child on an inspirational, educational journey.